Pediatricians across the world advocate for six months of exclusive breastfeeding. Your baby's gut is not well developed before six months and most babies can only sit up without support or strain by their sixth month. It is important that the baby is able to sit first to minimize the risk of choking. I looked forward to to the day our six months would be up so that I could start weaning my son. Little did I know what lay ahead. I was fortunate enough to have established my baby's allergies before we got to weaning so I was careful not to introduce anything he would react to. When you start weaning ensure: Utensils Baby's utensils should be in a separate set of utensils from the utensils the rest of the family using (Preferably BPA free). Clean them separately in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. ( You can sterilize using sterilizers safe for baby e.g. Milton's liquid or tablets). Wash baby's utensils immediately after use to avoid contaminatio...