Breastfeeding journey

I must admit that for me breastfeeding was no walk in the park. I was terrified and traumatized by changes that were rapidly happening to my body. That said I don't regret my decision to breastfeed at all. I have nothing against moms who choose formula over milk for various reasons. I had the misfortune of suffering engorged breast(It was so painful. I cried whenever I was alone.)It is common for mothers who undergo C-section birth to suffer from engorgement within the first few days. If not dealt with one could end up with mastitis. If you find yourself having engorged breast soon after delivery, try to breastfeed and once you are done, use a hot compress on the breast. If it leaks then keep doing it until you get relief. However if after applying a hot compress your breast doesn't leak then stop immediately. It means your breast are not responding to heat and use a cold compress instead. I used towels soaked in very hot water then rolled up and pressed on the engorgement. I did not know how to hold my baby well since I could not sit up properly, so I ended up with cracked nipples as well. (I later learned I should have used the football hold to help him latch better). It is important to learn all you can about breastfeeding to help you when the time comes. (I assumed it will be natural and easy)

Enough of the scary stuff. Breastfeeding has more advantages than disadvantages. I may not manage to point out every single one but I will outline as many as I can. 


A good latch is when the baby has the full areola in his/her mouth as they suckle. A poor latch frustrated mom and baby. (you may end up with sore cracked nipples). To help baby latch better it is important you use the correct position to hold the baby. Baby should be facing mom and both tummies touching each other. 


It takes approximately 20-30 mins after delivery for a healthy newborn baby to get the instinct to breastfeed. The color of breast milk is yellowish during the first few weeks. This is known as colostrum which provides great immunity for the baby whilst protecting the baby's gut. Your breast milk will contain the highest collection of antibodies up to six weeks post birth. a newborns stomach is the size of a cherry so once it is full the baby may spit up. It is important that after every feed you burp the baby by gently placing him/her over your shoulder and rubbing the back gently. for at least 10 minutes.Some babies take longer others take a shorter time. follow your baby's cue.)


while you breastfeed your body and baby's body releases oxytocin which is also known as the love hormone. It helps in bonding, stress relief and greatly relaxes you. try not to breastfeed as a duty so that your body is well relaxed.

Weight loss

I know many of you are smiling at this bit. Yes, it is a fact, breastfeeding moms lose more weight in the first three months of breastfeeding. you burn between 300-500 calories per day via breastfeeding. As you breastfeed you feel contractions in your lower abdomen as your uterus goes back to its normal size. 

Skin to skin

breastfeed your baby skin to skin as much as possible. Newborns thrive on skin to skin and they dread separation. skin to skin is great for mummy and baby. If the baby has fever skin to skin is known to help lower the temperature. 

Breast size

The size doesn't matter. your body is able to make the right amount of milk for your baby regardless of your cup size. 


Human milk contains substances that calm a baby and promote sleep. you will find baby sleeps well after a feed which is good for you both. 


Feed your baby on demand. breastfeeding your baby on demand increases your milk production. drink plenty of water and fluids every day, pump after a feed( I preferred to hand express), be calm and relaxed. Your newborn will sleep a lot in their early days, try tickling them, changing the diaper or undressing them and breastfeed them once awake. If they fall asleep nursing let the milk trickle in for a while before removing the nipple. Don't compare yourself to other moms as some have more milk than others. 

Alternate breast

Babies tend to have a preference for one breast over the other which is nothing to worry about. Don't worry if your baby feeds on one breast then falls asleep. Feed the baby on the alternate breast on the next feed. don't encourage the baby to avoid one breast. your breast produces milk as much as the demand is. 


Breastfeeding helps to reduce a mom's risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes and even postpartum depression(it lessens the severity). For babies, the health benefits are numerous as it boosts their immunity, helps them recover fast from an illness, protects their digestive system and keeps respiratory infections away. Breast milk is also safe as it requires no preparation it is all natural. Your breast produces the necessary nutrients for the baby as the baby grows. 


Avoid supplementing your breast milk with formula or animal milk unless your doctor advises you to. Did you know that breast milk contains 300 ingredients more than formula does? It is very taxing for baby's immature kidneys to digest cow's milk completely or as easily as breast milk or formula. cows milk contains a high concentration of proteins and mineral that are hard for baby to process. 

(Cow's milk doesn't have the right amounts of iron, vitamin c, and other nutrients for infants. It may even cause Iron deficiency anemia in some babies, since cow's milk protein can irritate the lining of the digestive system, leading to blood in the stools. Finally, cow's milk doesn't provide the healthiest types of fat for growing babies.)


Breastfeeding can provide up to 98% effective contraception. If you breastfeed exclusively. It delays your period as well so breastfeed away. (be careful though)


Your breast will leak sometimes as you feed or as wait for your baby to wake up. The milk spills can be messy and smelly. (I know what am talking about.) No need to worry about it though. Wear the correct size of nursing bras for support and for fewer messes. get your partner to help you out with the baby and take a quick shower. (you will change your clothes a lot if you are producing plenty of milk. 

Pumping/Expressing and Storage

Once you express your milk (you will need it in future). store it in a freezer. The milk is safe for consumption in a separate freezer for up to 6 months and up to 4 months in a regular fridge freezer. It will last in the fridge for up to 9 days at a temp of 32-39 degrees. when thawing stored milk you may notice it has separated into layers. swirl the container instead of shaking it to mix the milk up. once you prepare milk for the baby to drink you should never refreeze it. when storing the milk at room temperature, it is safe for up to 6 hrs at 79 degrees and 24 hrs at 60 degrees. Most babies feed 2-4 ounces per feed try store that amount per storage container/bag to avoid wastage. (NEVER microwave breast milk, it destroys important nutrients)

Remember to date your storage container so that you can use in the order of first in first out. use a bottle warmer if you have one or place the milk container in a container with hot water and swirl as it thaws. 

Just because breastfeeding is natural, it is not easy for all mothers. Support moms about the choice to breastfeed or not. We are different and what works for me doesn't necessarily work for you so please keep the baby fed and safe. I am enjoying breastfeeding and I now look forward to breastfeeding my baby. I have been blessed and lucky to manage exclusive breastfeeding for nine months so far. There are plenty more facts about breastfeeding I have not discussed herein so please read as much as you can or ask your doctor all you may need to know.i will do more posts on breastfeeding too. I love my partner and family for all the support through the breastfeeding journey. 


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