Stop It Already!!!

So how did you deliver? …was the dad there? much did it cost you? when will you get your next baby? where did you get that name from? .... Hold it right there! It is not okay to ask such questions. It is uncouth and insensitive of you to ask a new mom such questions. Are you a data collector? It is none of your business what the answer to any of those questions is. So what if the dad was not there during delivery? why are you asking about the bill? will you help her pay? are you pregnant and planning to deliver in the same hospital or are you simply nosey? how about you try asking; what do you need? how can I help? have you eaten? do you need help with the baby? Ask questions you have the ability to do something about. Eat plenty of this and that. Drink plenty of this and that. Don't wash your baby. when your baby cries don't always rush to pick him/her up, let her/him cry a little it helps build their lung power. Don't let your baby get used to being held. Now hold it right there! those are just shenanigans she doesn't need to be dealing with. She needs to be recovering from childbirth which is not an experience to be taken lightly. Let me start by saying if she did not ask about it don't tell her unless she's putting her child or herself in harm's way. A baby doesn't know how to manipulate you, so please hold him/her when she/he cries. It builds trust and comfort in a child. When a child is manipulating you, you will know. She may be avoiding certain foods because her doctor told her not to eat them or she could be reacting to them so please take a seat and calm down. What you unwittingly do is cause the mother's heart to repel you and disconnect with you. Have you checked your baby for plastic teeth? make sure they are removed! have you shaved baby's first hair? don't use disposable diapers on boys you will mess their reproductive system and cause them to be infertile. come on! Plastic teeth are a myth that needs to be dispelled! I have nothing against customs but when they are barbaric and misinformed, you bet I am against them! stop it already with this plastic teeth nonsense! In the absence of scientific evidence, please don't force your beliefs on someone else. Always check if what you are doing will harm your child in any way. Ask a doctor if you need to be sure. some of the things bother you more than they bother the child if at all. As a new mom you will be faced with many of these questions and more, please don't feel obligated to explain yourself. Focus on your baby and yourself/ If you are not that close with the new mom please watch how you talk to her. Don't just make conversation just because you think it is right. Check yourself and stop it with all the uncalled for questions. You could push the new mom into depression for increasing her anxiety with all these things you think she should do. You could also ruin your relationship with her.


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