The part where you bring your baby home from the hospital can be overwhelming or nerve wrecking for most new moms. I found myself nervous when I came from home as I had not planned for a c-section and I did not know if the baby should sleep with us or his crib. I decided to go on with my plan and sleep with him in our bed as I had earlier planned. For me, it was the best decision at that point. Nursing my baby was easier, I did plenty of skin to skin with him, bonding and I had peace of mind because I could easily get to him when he needed me. co-sleeping is a topic that brings out a mix of emotions as different parents have different views. I am giving my view which is not meant to belittle any other parents' view. we bought him a crib long before he was born but we agreed that he would start out in our bed before moving into the crib. I want to highlight what I viewed as benefits of co-sleeping.
- REGULATING BREATHING- Research has indicated that newborn babies have a 15-20 seconds pause between breathing while sleeping (my aunt referred to it as baby forgetting to breathe). However, the carbon monoxide you exhale stimulates your baby when you co-sleep.
- COMFORT-We took turns to just hold our baby laying on our chests. He relaxed almost instantly and easily fell asleep.
- INDEPENDENCE-Babies who co-sleep with their parent/s, tend to be satisfied are generally less demanding. This is because they are constantly reassured of love and support.
- TEMP REGULATION-Skin to skin works wonders on fever in my experience. It is a safe way to bring the temperature down. overheating is associated with cot death.
- SAFETY-I know you are wondering how safe it is to sleep with your baby without the risk of smothering him accidentally. Well, you can get a portable baby nest to be sure you don't harm your child(it is highly unlikely though. ). You are able to attend to a child who is suffocating promptly. I always woke up to check if my baby is breathing only to find his father beat me to it.
- BREASTFEEDING-You are able to breastfeed on demand.
- Anxiety- Separation can bring out anxiety in both the baby and the parents. having the baby in your bed brings down that anxiety and it is easier to sleep.
- BONDING-It is a great way to bond with the baby as you may be a working mom who needs to spend more time with your baby. co-sleeping provides a closeness for you and your baby.
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